

Real-Time Weather and Weather Forecasts!

EasyWeather is NOT a stand-alone product but provides

Weather overlay within EasyPlan and EasyCockpit

(Activation & 1 year subscription)

SKU: EW Category:


Real-Time Weather and Weather Forecasts!

EasyWeather is a product created by Aviation Direct in a joint venture with SA Weather Service to provide weather information in the planning stages of your flight as well as during flight.


A weather download overlays real time radar and satellite information on the map whether in EasyPlan or in Easy- Cockpit. It shows the forecast wind symbols on the grid.

At a glance you can view:

  • Forecast weather data covering South Africa, available for different flight levels and different times; and
  • These forecast symbols showing wind direction, wind speed and cloud cover displayed in a grid format and by tapping on the symbol, the information provides Temperature, Dew Point, Relative Humidity and details on Cloud Cover, Wind Speed and Direction for a particular flight level.


METARs and TAFs are shown in coded and decoded text format making this information easier & quicker to interpret in both EasyPlan and EasyCockpit.

Overlay radar images are displayed to show thunderstorms and their movements as well as precipitation and are updated every 20-30 minutes. By means of a colour code, one is able to see the degree of storm develop- ment and amount of precipitation in the area. Radar coverage is available for most of the country with radars recently activated in parts of Mozambique and Botswana.

Satellite images provide a general overview of weather conditions in Southern Africa; they are infrared images updated every 20-30 minutes.

For more Weather Information visit the SA Weather website. https://www.weathersa.co.za/

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