This is the most frequent health problem for travellers.
Cook it, peel it or leave it! Drink bottled, boiled (3 minutes) or chlorinated water and ice only! Eat only hot, cooked food! Avoid fish and shellfish in contaminated areas.
Diarrhoea often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, abdom- inal pain and sometimes fevers. Never underestimate the severity of this disease and seek medical advice if diarrhoea does not stop after 5 days, there are signs of dehydration, blood in the stool, fever rises higher than 39°C or symptoms are very severe.
Drink plenty! If you cannot keep anything down try anti emetics and drink small amounts more often. Create a re-hydration solution: 1 litre of freshly boiled water. Add ½ a level teaspoon of salt and 8 level teaspoons of sugar. Add little fruit juice or some mashed banana. Drink 200 to 400 ml after every loose stool.