Install EasyPlan then click register online and follow the prompts.
Easyplan only works on windows, so one would need a program like crossover or parallels to install Easyplan on a MAC.
There are 3 ways to get a new key. Online, email device Id, phone us.
Setup weights and balances. Open an aircraft that matches yours as closely as possible. Enter your Weights & Balances according to you manual. Save your aircraft with a unique name you would recognize. Then load it as your default aircraft. Setup your units and preferences according to the way you would like them to be.
To update Easyplan, go to our website.
Firstly did you install Easyplan from the disk originally. If not install the disk. If you did, and it went grey after updating, please reinstall the update, but make sure it installs to the other program files folder. X86 or normal, explain
When you update Easyplan on a mac with crossover, make sure the installation path goes to the original bottle Easyplan was installed into.
Go to Units & Preferences, and set map colours back to default.
You will need to install Easyplan from disk as your maps are on the disk. Then install the update. You will require a new key as well.
Select the weather tab. Then step one click download files. A list of files will open up. Select the weather files you would like overlaid onto your map, be aware of the date and time(time in Zulu). Once you have downloaded the files, select step two: Read files. Tick the relevant weather files you want. Select the elevation of the forecast data you would like to view. Then go back to map view and select the weather button.
In manual.
One can transfer flightplans to your MGL. We also have a feature where the airfields and data can be transferred to your MGL, subject to subscription.
Click on the blue leg of your flightplan, it will turn green. Then hover your mouse over the boundary it will high- light green too, right click and add the boundary.
Right click on the point where you want to create it, or select points in the menu and select create point.
Right click and add abeam point on map.
Click the labels button.